Help to premature babies 2.0
Help to premature babies 2.0

Help to premature babies 2.0

The project is carried by
Started: 23.07.2021
Totally raised
27214.0 UAH
Total goal
27214.00 UAH

During the project implementation, the amount of funds (voluntary donations of philanthropists) raised for the project amounted to UAH 27,214.00. Which made it possible to purchase and donate to the center as a charitable aid a neonatal device for phototherapy of newborns NO-AF-LED. The equipment was transferred on October 6, 2021 to the neonatal center of the Ternopil Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.

Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Phototherapy lamp 27214.00
Total project costs 27214.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 27214.00
Ivan Grigorov
08.08.2021 22:12
26864.32 UAH
Ivan Grigorov
08.08.2021 21:26
247.75 UAH
Charity donation
23.07.2021 17:57
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
23.07.2021 13:52
50.92 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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