Help the neurosurgical department
Help the neurosurgical department

Help the neurosurgical department

The project is carried by
Started: 19.10.2018
Totally raised
17650.0 UAH
Total goal
17650.00 UAH

Taking into account insufficient funding and hard financial situation, the Department of Neurosurgery of Odessa Regional Clinical Hospital badly needs assistance. Every year the Department of Neurosurgery treats 1,200-1,300 patients and administers pharmacotherapy and therapy of nervous system diseases including the brain, spinal marrow, and peripheral nervous system. Neurosurgeons perform about 600 operations annually. Regretfully, the funds allocated by the state do not allow of covering even the most necessary needs for health care of such number of patients. 

By now there is a pressing need in acquiring 2 wheelchairs for the Department and 30 bedding sets for the resuscitation section. In the resuscitation section of the Neurosurgery Department, it is necessary to change bedding three times a day. That is why the available bedding wears out very quickly because of permanent washing and becomes unfit for use. Linen with a high content of synthetic threads gets deformed already after the first washing and its size is decreased. As a result, a big bed sheet turns into a draw sheet. The same happens with blanket covers and pillow-cases. Therefore, the need for bedding is very acute.

We recall that frequently the neurosurgeon patients are in a very grave state, they are disabled and many of them are ambulant. At that, the Department where there are 50 patients has only one (!) wheelchair. The nurses have to carry patients literally on their shoulders, which is bad for the patients and for the nurses’ health. That is why wheelchairs are absolutely necessary for a neurosurgery department.

We address all caring people with a request to support the acquisition of two wheelchairs and 30 bedding sets to the amount of UAH 17,650. If we join our efforts, we will make this world better by granting it a drop of goodness, kindness and a part of one’s soul!

ID: 4530
Charity donation
11.02.2019 17:38
0.83 UAH
11.02.2019 17:15
12674.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.02.2019 03:16
100.00 UAH
Юрій Швець
25.01.2019 10:53
244.49 UAH
Володимир Мельник
11.01.2019 21:49
54.99 UAH
All donors

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