Help little Vania get well soon! Stage 3
Help little Vania get well soon! Stage 3

Help little Vania get well soon! Stage 3

The project is carried by
Started: 06.10.2016
Volyn region
Totally raised
16100.0 UAH
Total goal
16100.00 UAH

Oh, Ivanko ... How many folk songs begin this way! Both sad and funny. Such is the story of our Vanyusha Nesterenko, the third child in the family. 

When his mother, Nadezhda, was pregnant in her sixth month, she was offered an abortion - the baby had big problems with the kidneys, doctors said. Kill her child, though sick?! Never! Let it be as God wills. And after two months on preservation period the baby was born. The first thing she heard after birth - the boy could die in the next few days, he had an intestinal infection... But he survived. Even one kidney worked!

Further diagnoses fell like peas. The most terrible one was told to the family when the child was eight months old - cerebral palsy, tetraparesis, one of the most severe forms! Nightmare... your child will never walk, talk and generally will live like a plant - the doctor said looking in the mother’s eyes. But no wonder her name is Nadezhda (meaning Hope in Russian). Lutsk, Odessa, Truskavets - hospitals, health centers, and permanent rehabilitation measures at home...

And the first miracle happened - contrary to the predictions of doctors, Vanya spoke - at a half year, crawled – at two and a half, and can you imagine - he sang when he was three and a few months!

The second miracle was a family’s meeting with Dr. Bersenev and his methodology. Already after the first course, the boy’s strabismus, tension in arms and legs got reduced. What a delight it is for his mom to look like Vanya is trying to draw a flower - and even six months ago, he could not hold a pencil in his hand! When he’s trying to dance to the music...

A little more time, patience and money - and Vanya will make the next step to recovery! His mother believes so much in the help of caring people!


Name: Ivan M. Nesterenko, born 06.10.2010

Location: Volyn region

Diagnosis: Сerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, driving contracture thighs, flat equinovalgus, convergent strabismus


ID: 2575
Charity donation
21.10.2016 14:51
2092.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.10.2016 14:44
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.10.2016 13:51
2000.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.10.2016 13:18
20.00 UAH
21.10.2016 12:53
25.00 UAH
All donors

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