Help the child-2
Help the child-2

Help the child-2

The project is carried by
Started: 11.02.2015
Kyiv region
Totally raised
29923.0 UAH
Total goal
29923.00 UAH

CF "Help for Future" in cooperation with Kyiv AIDS administrative center continues the event "Help the child!" to support children with HIV status in Kyiv region. For current day Kyiv AIDS administrative center has 87 registered children with such diagnosis, and 80 of them are taking anti-retroviral medicine. 300 children were born of parents with HIV status and they have very weak immunity. It's the second stage of the project, and each hryvnia can save the child's life.

From September this year we were able to track the status of this children and families by our own eyes in Yagotynskiy, Boyarsky, Borodyanskiy, Ivankovskiy and Baryshivskiy areas due to the project "Mobile Clinic". The financial condition of the families is very poor and therefore the state of health as well, because they in the vast majority can’t afford themselves no good treatment or food, and the state government almost forgot, or tries not to notice them.

Till the end of the year we have planned 11 extra visits and we are sure that the situation in other areas is practically the same. Thanks to the help of our partners and concerned people we can invite the mobile team of doctors and social workers of the Kyiv AIDS administrative center and "Okhmatdyt " in these areas, and to examine the children and even adults, but this is not enough, they are very much needed medicines, diapers, baby food and etc. That is why we decided to organize the gathering of any aid to the children and families, because with the help of "Mobile clinic’s" car we will be able to deliver this aid directly to this children and families. There is also a necessity for assistance with travel the children to pass tests in Kyiv AIDS administrative center, because most of the families are poor living in the remote areas of Kyiv region. Already we have held the first trip, thanks to our partners who were not indifferent and helped with transport.

Very indicative case was visit to the settlement of town type called Borodyanka. In one family the child was found in a very bad condition with bilateral pneumonia and stifled from air lack. She was urgently admitted to hospital "Ohmatdyt". And the parents do not have the money even to travel, not to mention the conduction of medical survey. And another family has horrifying living conditions: falling apart country house inhabited by alcoholic father, mother and three children with no essential housekeeping things. There was not even a talk about medical survey trip at all.

By the end of 2014 we visited Vasilkovsky, Fastovsky, Mironovsky, Rokitnyansky, Bohuslavsky, Boyarsky, Borispolsky, Ivankovsky, Borodyansky, Yagotynsky, Berezansky and Baryshevsky areas, have signed with them a cooperation agreement for 10 years. In 2015 we planning to go round all the Kiev region. This action helps to deliver aid collected to children and families in these areas. "Mobile Clinic" have to work until April 2015, as is funding and it is hoped will run constantly. That it is very important and necessary project for today. We plan to carry out visits to each district of Kyiv region.

Thank you to everyone who responds!!! We believe that there is no evil in the world, but there is absence of good, and the good is believed only by those who are doing it.

ID: 1328
Charity donation
09.07.2016 23:14
8780.00 UAH
Olga Polav
08.07.2016 19:33
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.07.2016 11:30
50.00 UAH
06.07.2016 16:27
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.07.2016 14:28
100.00 UAH
All donors

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