Help Vladyk say the word "mother"! 2
Help Vladyk say the word "mother"! 2

Help Vladyk say the word "mother"! 2

Started: 13.06.2024
Still needed
14458.01 UAH
Total goal
38050.00 UAH

Vladyk was born a healthy and happy baby in the Kherson city. At first, the child did not have any alarming symptoms, but later the disease began to gradually manifest itself. When Vladyk was one and a half years old, his development slowed down and his speech almost completely disappeared. Later, other symptoms were added: Vlad stopped responding to his name, his pointing gesture disappeared, the boy could spin around, scratch his face, and be hyperactive. And then the war came to his hometown, and little Vladyk, together with his mother and sister, left everything and moved to another city

At the age of 3, doctors diagnosed Vladyk with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), hyperactivity and lack of concentration, and also found a concomitant disease – non-convergent strabismus.

Unfortunately, even now, after all the examinations, the cause of the developmental delay cannot be determined. But despite everything, Vlad is a cheerful boy, he loves to draw with paints and pencils, although his attention span is not enough for long, he likes to play, but does not respond to other children.

At this stage, doctors recommend regular sessions with specialists (correctional teacher, speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist, massage therapist) and supplemented with procedures that can improve Vladyk's condition. Such sessions are especially important now, as they will help the boy learn to concentrate his attention, be more focused, start talking on his own and understand the essence of what is said. The previous courses of lessons have already yielded positive results in the child's development: he begins to pay attention to his loved ones, distinguish colors, mumble individual syllables, and smile. Therefore, it is extremely important not to stop there and continue practicing.

"I know that the real specialists of the rehabilitation center will help my son, and he will finally say my name on his own, react to others, speak, not live in his own world, help my son to have a chance for a full life. I dream that my son will start talking at least a little. Therefore, I ask you to help my son to undergo the much-needed rehabilitation," says Vladyk's mother.

The boy's mother works as a part-time school teacher, and her financial situation is difficult, because now, in addition to the money for Vladyk's special diet, she needs to rent a house and treat her son.

Now Vladyk's mother is unable to help her son undergo rehabilitation on her own, so we are appealing to all those who care to help and raise the necessary amount for Vladyk's rehabilitation!

Full name: Dubyna Vladyslav, 18.04.2019
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: ASD (autism spectrum disorders), delayed psycho-speech development with communication disorders
ID: 9513

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
28.06.2024 15:08
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.06.2024 15:21
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.06.2024 10:56
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.06.2024 08:01
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2024 23:41
500.00 UAH
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