Help little Artem stand on his feet! November 2016
Help little Artem stand on his feet! November 2016

Help little Artem stand on his feet! November 2016

The project is carried by
Started: 31.10.2016
Totally raised
17380.0 UAH
Total goal
17380.00 UAH

This wonderful baby with a serious face grown-up name is very nice - Artemiy. He is now two and a half years. And he has cerebral palsy. As well as heavy damage to the central nervous system and developmental delay.He was born prematurely at 29 weeks.

Immediately I was in intensive care, where a ventilator spent eighteen days.
The titanic efforts of doctors to save the baby were not in vain, Artemy survived.

Then there was the "OKHMATDET", Department of Neonatology, two and a half months of intensive therapy.
Since Artemy constantly receives massage and physical therapy at home. Positive developments have, and contrary to predictions of doctors in Artemia good dynamics.

While the boy's family is struggling with time. She will do it in spite of everything, because we are talking about the fate of a small, but the most important man in their life, which has already proved once that he was stronger than many people living in this world.
He won the most terrible enemy, which you can imagine - he conquered death. And parents want to help him to achieve a full recovery.
Treatment should continue and help to become healthy and to give the kid a chance and hope for a happy and carefree future, only you can - people with a good heart and a bright soul.


Full name: Artem Ulanov, 09.13.2013

City: Kiev

The diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraplegia. Movement disorders IV level.


ID: 2625
Charity donation
03.11.2016 11:47
6500.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.11.2016 11:19
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.11.2016 11:03
397.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.11.2016 10:58
3.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.11.2016 10:52
492.00 UAH
All donors

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