Help Dania survive! 2
Help Dania survive! 2

Help Dania survive! 2

Started: 24.04.2020
Kyiv region
Totally raised
36521.0 UAH
Total goal
36521.00 UAH

Hi there! It seems that some are already familiar with Daniel, because this is the second fundraiser for the guy. Danya is a child that everyone can learn from. Despite the extremely difficult circumstances – Dania is completely immobile and lives only with the support of the ventilator – he does not lose his kindness, his light eyes and his zeal. 

Unfortunately, every day the boy's life is in danger, because it depends on the ventilator, without which Dan cannot breathe, special mixtures for nutrition (his body is unable to accept simple food), and these mixtures are fed into the Dania’s body through a special tube; immunity is weak, and therefore any virus can cause severe complications... it can not do without the help of good people! Yes, of course, Danya is not alone, he has caring parents, and his family has two more children, and his finances and strength are often lacking... Our boy has Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This is a genetic disease that is accompanied by muscle atrophy, this process cannot be stopped, the disease is considered incurable, and the average life expectancy of people with the disease is 30 years. These are scary facts, but we will fight them!

The zeal and fortitude of Danny can be envied, because the fact that at the age of 9 Dan found himself on a wheelchair did not stop his thirst for study. The guy loves to read, he graduated from all 11 classes of school (with honors!), He is interested in IT. In 2017, a tragedy occurred for the boy – he had a common cold, but due to Duchenne's myopathy, the disease quickly turned to pneumonia. After a while, Dania was in intensive care, his heart stopped… three times… But our boy is strong, he endured it. Unfortunately, this case did not go without a trace, Dania lost the ability to breathe on his own, and now lives only at the expense of the ventilator. The guy is undergoing home treatment and breathing through this unit, but now it's time for the unit to be repaired. The repair itself is not cheap, and costly mixtures are still constantly needed.

Dania’s family support the boy, they are not going to lose him and believe that the day will come when a miracle will happen - their son will recover! May this miracle come true with us! Let's support Dania!


Name: Danil Bachishev, 19.03.2002

City: Nalyvaikivka, Kiev region

Diagnosis: progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy, severe. Tracheostomy carrier, life is supported by devices

ID: 6056
Charity donation
14.05.2020 10:49
0.25 UAH
Charity donation
14.05.2020 00:59
14.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.05.2020 00:19
866.67 UAH
Максим Гринченко
13.05.2020 23:17
96.76 UAH
Charity donation
13.05.2020 23:08
51.01 UAH
All donors

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