Dania helps for Ania
Dania helps for Ania

Dania helps for Ania

Started: 16.08.2021
Totally raised
20592.0 UAH
Total goal
20592.00 UAH

UPD 05.10.21: unfortunately, Dania died. The disease was stronger. The dobro.ua team brings our sincere words of condolences to the boy’s family and thanks to everyone who supported Dania.

Dear donors! Thanks to your support, we were able to raise funds and purchase special food for Dania, who suffered from progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy. However, it so happened that the next day after paying the bills for the necessary food, we were informed of the death of the boy. Unfortunately, we can no longer help Dania. But the already purchased special food can help 8-year-old Ania Moria, who suffers from cerebral palsy and has serious problems with weight gain.

The birth of a long-awaited child is a great happiness. And what will happen after the birth of a child – no one can predict. So it happened with Oksana – the pregnancy was going well, but the day before the birth, the ultrasound gave the woman the first terrible news: the child had a severe heart defect. Then it became clear that the girl was ahead of a long and difficult struggle for life. 

After birth, the diagnosis of tiny Anechka was confirmed: the girl was diagnosed with hypoplasia of the left heart, atresia of the mitral valve and double discharge of the great vessels from the right ventricle. Doctors had to carry out as many as 3 operations on Anya's heart to save the newborn. The first operation was performed when Anyuta was 1.5 months old, and it went well. The second operation was also successful, but on the fifth day after it, the child began to bleed internally. In the end, the doctors had to carry out three more operations, Anya spent a whole month in intensive care without any predictions.

The family coped with it, but over time, a new test appeared – hydrocephalus, multicystic encephalomalacia and cerebral palsy were found in Ani. It was important not to waste time, so Anya started attending rehab.

Now the girl is 8 years old, she understands everything, but still does not speak, and because of problems with muscle tone and poor weight gain, she cannot sit and walk on her own. Cerebral palsy and weight loss are very scary. In order for Anya to learn to sit and be able to take her first steps, the girl needs strong muscles. And for this, Anya must constantly take expensive special food for weight gain. The family is financially exhausted, so they cannot buy it on their own, so they ask for support.

UPD: the name and text of the project have been updated. Old project name: "Help Dania to live!".

Full name: Moria Anna, 14.12.2012
City: Kharkiv
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy
ID: 7373
Charity donation
25.08.2021 15:04
1180.95 UAH
Charity donation
25.08.2021 10:01
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
25.08.2021 09:31
203.92 UAH
Charity donation
25.08.2021 08:57
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
25.08.2021 08:30
150.00 UAH
All donors

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