Help children with cystic fibrosis breathe!
Help children with cystic fibrosis breathe!

Help children with cystic fibrosis breathe!

Started: 15.01.2024
Still needed
343542.00 UAH
Total goal
362195.00 UAH

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited, incurable disease that affects multiple systems of the human body. Profound damage to secretion glands results in the production of thick, viscous mucus that cannot be effectively cleared from the bronchi. Children with this condition experience difficulty breathing and frequent infections due to the stagnation of mucus in the lungs. In Ukraine, the treatment of cystic fibrosis patients from the age of 6 has begun with the advanced drug Trikafta. This medication normalizes the function of chloride channels in all cells producing mucus, thereby alleviating the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. Positive results have been observed in patients with a specific genotype, which accounts for 60-80% of all cases. During the treatment, patients undergo active physiotherapy to clear mucus from the body.

Children from the Rivne region will start therapy with this medication from January. The head of the Cystic Fibrosis Center* in Rivne has reached out to us with a request to purchase the SIMEOX device. This device is designed to significantly alleviate the symptoms of cystic fibrosis and other respiratory conditions with obstruction. It helps eliminate thick mucus, optimizing lung ventilation. The pneumatic-vibratory bronchial drainage, through pulsatile pressure oscillations applied throughout the bronchial tree, thins and transports mucus to the upper respiratory pathways. Subsequently, the expulsion of mucus occurs through natural coughing. This physiotherapy does not induce fatigue, as the patient only needs to exhale slowly.

Typically, physiotherapy in children with cystic fibrosis can be exhausting; the child quickly becomes tired and irritable, making it difficult to achieve the desired result. The goal of this project is to achieve maximum efficiency in physiotherapy for children with cystic fibrosis. In the presence of advanced medications for CF treatment, state-ofthe-art equipment should also be utilized, as the quality of life for CF patients depends on effective physiotherapy. 

The cost of the SIMEOX device with an inhalation kit is UAH 362,195. Please support our project!

*Full name of the hospital: municipal enterprise "Rivne Regional Specialized Dispensary for Radiation Protection of the Population" of the Rivne Regional Council.

ID: 9177

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
04.04.2024 19:46
5000.00 UAH
Charity donation
02.04.2024 15:51
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
01.04.2024 00:06
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.03.2024 13:11
200.00 UAH
12.02.2024 17:45
400.00 UAH
All donors
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