Help Kyrylo recover! 3
Help Kyrylo recover! 3

Help Kyrylo recover! 3

The project is carried by
Started: 12.12.2019
Totally raised
24600.0 UAH
Total goal
24600.00 UAH

Dear donors! You have already known Kyrylo Ivanenko, who was born in hypoxia in 2014, during the military activities in Debaltseve. After 7.5 hours of suffering, due to poor labor activity, Kyrylo's mother, Yulia, was made an emergency cesarean section. However, the child underwent oxygen deprivation of the brain, the consequences of which the family is still struggling with. First, he was diagnosed with diffuse muscular hypotension. "He will walk later, he will talk later..." doctors said. But at the age of 1 year and 10 months, the final diagnosis sounded like a sentence cerebral palsy. At the age of 3, after the examinations in Kiev, at the Institute named after Pavlov, Kyrylo was given another terrible diagnosis: atypical autism. 

Because of the military activities, Yulia had to leave the ATO zone and become a migrant in a foreign city, with a sick child. Now, at the age of 5, Kiryusha does not talk, poorly understands the speech, cannot take care of himself, does not ask in the toilet, cannot walk on the steps, run, jump, he has imperfect concentration and perception of the world around him. The child needs constant rehabilitation, psychological and pedagogical correction.

Thanks to the caring people, Kyrylo has already taken several rehabilitation courses at the Kozyavkin Clinic, the Centre "Raduzhnyi" and the Intensive Correction Centre "Leprekon+". The treatment gives very good results. There is a positive dynamic in the development of gross motor skills, coordination and balance, the child has better spatial awareness. It is already possible to establish eye contact with the child. He uses it as a means of communication. When performing familiar tasks, Kiryusha can correct the made mistakes and do the right things. But recovery treatment is very expensive. The cost of the next rehabilitation course in the center "Leprekon+" is UAH 24,600. The family does not have such funds. Kiryusha's mother, Yulia, is divorced and cares for a disabled child alone, she is not able to pay for expensive rehabilitation.

Please, help to collect money for the treatment that Kiryusha needs, like air!


Name: Ivanenko Kyrylo, 19.08.2014

City: Odessa

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, atactic form, dystonic tetraparesis, atypical autism

ID: 5697
Charity donation
19.01.2020 11:51
392.72 UAH
Charity donation
19.01.2020 11:23
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
19.01.2020 11:22
200.00 UAH
Дмитро І Анастасія
19.01.2020 10:45
71.37 UAH
Charity donation
19.01.2020 07:59
152.94 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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