Help me to recover!
Help me to recover!

Help me to recover!

The project is carried by
Started: 15.12.2020
Odessa region
Totally raised
86400.0 UAH
Total goal
86400.00 UAH

Valeria Nikitina has lived a regular life and made plans for future, but when she was only 16 years old and she has just finished the 1st year of study at the medical college, her life turned upside down. The girl got into a horrible car accident. She was inside the car the driver of which failed to control the car. As a result Lera got life threatening injuries: cervical spine fracture (subcutaneous comminuted fracture of the fifth vertebra), injury and hematomyelia.

The girl was taken to the intensive care unit of the hospital in critical condition. Then she was taken to the neurosurgical department where she was operated on. However, unfortunately walking ability and sensibility have not recovered. At the moment Valeria has disability group I, subgroup “A”, she is wheelchair-bound, can’t do almost nothing by herself and requires physical assistance. The girl is prescribed a long rehabilitation and rehabilitation treatment the cost of which is 86,400.00 UAH.

Before the accident Lera practiced dancing, track-and-field athletics, she graduated from the art school and led an active lifestyle. Now Valeria is 19 and she makes maximum efforts to be able to walk again. The rehabilitation can greatly improve the girl’s condition, it will help recover sensibility, help muscles get stronger under the condition of regular exercises.

Lera is from multiple children family, she has younger brother and sister twins. Unfortunately, the family is financially exhausted, only the father is working at the moment, the mother is fully engaged with taking care of the daughter. The gym of physical rehabilitation Motus  issued a bill for 86,400 UAH per year. For a family, this is a large amount, because considerable finances are needed for Valeria's medication and hygiene products. Please, help Valeria gather money for rehabilitation treatment!

Full name: Nikitina Valeria, 20.04.2001
City: Odessa region, Velikodolynske village
Diagnosis: Severe combined craniovertebral injury. Slaughter-compression of the spinal cord, hematomyelia. Cervical vertebral fracture: closed fragmentary unstable fracture C5. Upper paraparesis. Lower paraplegia. Pelvic dysfunction by type of delay
ID: 6668
Charity donation
23.07.2021 15:24
3233.29 UAH
22.07.2021 23:08
150.71 UAH
Charity donation
22.07.2021 15:37
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.07.2021 15:21
700.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.07.2021 11:20
101.96 UAH
All donors

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