Help me understand the world
Help me understand the world

Help me understand the world

The project is carried by
Started: 16.12.2021
Mykolaiiv region
Totally raised
14435.0 UAH
Total goal
14435.00 UAH

The world of a child with autism, even a highly functional one, is a hundred times louder than the world of an ordinary person, and this is not only and not so much about the auditory side. Imagine that you have increased the sound in the speakers to the maximum and the bass is buzzing right into your ear, and you are trying to brush your teeth and make tea. This is approximately how it feels when you are on the autism spectrum. The brain needs more effort to process incoming information: sounds, smells, visual data, tactile sensations, even the simplest ones – from clothes, movement and air temperature. In the process, you usually need to talk with someone, interact and even resolve conflict situations.

At first glance, Daniil is an ordinary teenager living in Pervomaisk, Nikolaev region and attending an ordinary comprehensive school. Peers and teachers do not understand his communication problems. A guy, even in a crowded place, is often left alone. He may seem awkward. Changes, even the smallest ones, such as having to move to a different classroom during school or changing breakfast can be difficult to deal with. It is almost impossible for Daniel to concentrate on the things he needs to learn. For hours he can only do the job that interests him. The world should be familiar, only then does Daniel feel a little more comfortable and calmer. The rest of the time he is distinguished by sharp movements, strangely rearranging his legs while walking, avoiding contact with new people. “Every situation needs to be explained to him, he cannot control his emotions,” explains his mother. 

Recently, a lot has changed in the guy's life, he moved to high school: new students, new teachers, new classrooms, a new schedule. Daniel had a younger sister. For him, all this is accompanied by emotions so complex and unfamiliar – continuous noise and tension. His mom is very worried about the future of her son. In search of a solution, she turned to our foundation for help. With our support, the boy underwent diagnostics in Kyiv. Danil was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. The disease differs from autism in that the child does not have a general delay in speech and mental development.

The prognosis of the disease is favorable. By adulthood, the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome are smoothed out, and such people can have a full social life, work and create families. The course of the necessary therapy and medications cost 14 435 UAH.

Daniel's diagnosis will remain with him, but special therapy can improve a guy's social skills, allow him to live fully and freely like each of us.

Help him!

Full name: Safonov Danil, 29.10.2008
City: Pervomaisk, Mykolaiiv region
Diagnosis: Asperger's syndrome
ID: 7698
Charity donation
13.02.2022 23:20
3012.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.02.2022 20:21
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.02.2022 10:31
40.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.02.2022 11:18
40.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.02.2022 10:00
1000.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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