Help Olena to start an independent life
Help Olena to start an independent life

Help Olena to start an independent life

The project is carried by
Started: 08.03.2024
Totally raised
47490.0 UAH
Total goal
47490.00 UAH

Olena is 28 and has cerebral palsy. Olena's dream is independence, real adulthood, when you can rely only on yourself. She has to go through a diagnosis, surgery and rehabilitation. War takes away strength, increases stiffness and anxiety. But despite the war, Olena underwent surgeries, endured postoperative pain, and now wants her dream to come true.

Each course of treatment brings the girl closer to her dream goal: to start crawling on her knees around the apartment. She had 4 surgeries. Intensive treatment at Dr. Kozyavkin's clinic will help her to start crawling and get up to her feet in order to learn to sit up on her own. Olena loves to cook and draw. Since Olena has group 1 disability, she cannot work. And this amount of money is unrealistic for her to raise on her own. As a child, Olena was kind and did not pay attention to her illness.

Olena is very polite and has many friends. She wants to be independent and independent of others. Olena has been without a father for 12 years. She graduated from the university with a degree in psychology, but she cannot work, so she always helps everyone. Despite the war, Olena underwent her last surgery at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology in 2023. Please help Olena, in July she is expected to undergo treatment at one of the best clinics in Ukraine - the Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic.

Elena lives only with her mother. The girl really hopes for your help. She believes and knows that she is surrounded by good people! How wonderful it will be when we raise the funds and the girl will be one step closer to her dream!  

Help the girl take a step towards her goal!

Full name: Olena Shynkarenko, 19.04.1995
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
ID: 9336
Charity donation
08.07.2024 18:16
4460.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.07.2024 17:03
5000.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.07.2024 11:13
3000.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.07.2024 08:32
3000.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.07.2024 18:44
470.00 UAH
All donors

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