Help to cure му son!
Help to cure му son!

Help to cure му son!

The project is carried by
Started: 03.02.2022
Totally raised
43210.0 UAH
Total goal
43210.00 UAH

Yaroslav is a long hoped-for child, "mum’s little boy". The pregnancy course was good. However, the delivery was hard: the child was born, but… he was purple with double loop of cord around his neck. He did not scream at once but in 3-4 minutes. Unfortunately, this had tragic consequences. The child had numerous diagnoses – psycho-speech delay, purine metabolism disorder, mild hyperhomocysteinemia, gluten intolerance. 

Yaroslav has an inborn heart pathology – bicuspid valve (with the norm of tricuspid aortic valve), the surgery is not required so far, however, the child is under the supervision of a cardiologist. Physical load is limited, heart ultrasound examination is required once a year and ECG is requires twice a year. Constant visits to hospital, doctors’ advice, examinations, tests, strict diet, medication treatment are realities Yearoslav lives with since his birth.

Moreover, the child suffers from complex perceptual disorder, does not navigate in time and space well enough, he requires correction exercises on speech recovery and development, neuro pedagogical and sensomotor movement exercises. Thanks to caring people Yaroslav has already underwent three courses of Tomatis therapy in Kiev and one course in Odesa at Loquar center. There is a positive dynamics, however, the courses must be continued in order not to lose what was achieved.

The treatment is very expensive and the family does not have enough funds to pay for it without help. Yaroslav’s father passed away when the child was only four. We ask all to support the boy, help him to get the next two rehabilitation courses as he wants to become healthy so eagerly!

Full name: Mozhin Yaroslav, 01.02.2008
City: Оdessa
Diagnosis: Delay in psycho-speech development. Violation of purine metabolism. Moderate hyperhomocysteinemia. Gluten intolerance
ID: 7736
Charity donation
17.11.2022 17:05
1170.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.11.2022 11:38
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.11.2022 10:52
60.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.11.2022 08:09
1500.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.11.2022 23:19
100.00 UAH
All donors

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