Help to live and develop despite autism!
Help to live and develop despite autism!

Help to live and develop despite autism!

The project is carried by
Started: 11.02.2025
Still needed
215511.00 UAH
Total goal
235143.00 UAH

The family of an Orthodox priest suffered a disaster. While pregnant with her second child, the mother contracted the herpes virus and, immediately afterward, the coronavirus. Mykolai was born by emergency cesarean section due to umbilical cord entanglement at 39 weeks. As a result of an intrauterine infection and then hypoxia, the baby developed serious health problems. From the first months of his life, disturbing symptoms began to appear: the boy ate poorly, was restless, his head began to grow faster than his body, and he did not respond to the world around him.

After many examinations, doctors found dilated ventricles of the brain, suspected hydrocephalus, then skull deformity and brain immaturity. Every day it became clearer: the baby had a serious delay in psychophysical development. He did not respond to his name, did not play with toys. He was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. His motor skills did not develop, and his body was too weak to chew even soft food. It had to be carefully ground, and his diet was strictly gluten-free and lactose-free because of the risk of developing celiac disease. Today, the child is under the supervision of a pediatric neurologist and psychiatrist, attends a correctional center, works with a neuropsychologist, ABA therapist, undergoes speech therapy massage and takes certain medications on a regular basis.

And the treatment gives good results. Now, at the age of three, the boy has started to say his first words and is becoming more aware of the world around him, and has become calmer. The parents are doing everything possible to help their child. But the family cannot cope with these problems on their own. Medication, remedial classes, massages, special food and hygiene products for the child require huge amounts of money that the family does not have. Our foundation is making efforts to raise funds for treatment for six months. Without your support, the family will simply not be able to continue treatment and provide the child with everything he needs. Your help will give the kid a chance to live a full life and become healthy! Please help him!

Full name: Mykolai Spitsyn, 04.02.2022
City: Odesa
Diagnosis: mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction, autism spectrum disorders, hyperkinetic disorder with mental retardation and stereotyped movements, communication disorders, speech receptivity disorder
ID: 9964

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
10.03.2025 19:51
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.03.2025 12:49
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.03.2025 09:29
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.03.2025 23:08
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.03.2025 00:31
500.00 UAH
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