Road to the Heart
Road to the Heart

Road to the Heart

The project is carried by
Started: 22.08.2013
Totally raised
224103.0 UAH
Total goal
224103.00 UAH

Patients and doctors of Ukraine’s leading medical institution treating oncological diseases, the National Institute of Cancer, need our support. State financing is insufficient to provide all departments with vitally needed equipment. Among others, an acute issue is prompt purchase of vital signs monitors: without them, doctors are as if without hands. For patients, lack of these monitors means lack of proper treatment and control.

According to the World Health Organization's statistics, cancer is the second biggest reason for child mortality in the world after violent death. It is still unknown why a normal (typical) cell becomes abnormal (atypical) and begins its active uncontrolled growth. Oncopathology does not depend on someone's position in society or on presence or absence of money.

Treatment of malignant tumors is conducted at the National Institute of Cancer and at oncohemathology departments of regional children's hospitals. After completing special treatment course, taking from six to eighteen months, children undergo regular examinations for five years. If everything is well, they are no longer considered disabled on the grounds of oncopathology.

Fortunately, over 70 percent of children's oncohematological diseases are curable. This is because of peculiarities of physiology and tumor histology during childhood. For treatment by supporting therapy, super-precise devices and special equipment are used. Regrettably, they are as expensive as they are necessary. Not every medical establishment is able to provide themselves fully with the necessary equipment, dispensable materials or preparations.

Now, apart from everything else, the Institute needs the so-called vital signs monitor «Nihon Kohden PVM-2703K» with «esCCO» function. Such monitors provide for full control over patients' state during an operation: breathing, pressure, heart's work, temperature. The device is a light, compact, portable monitor with a color sensor display. It lays a way for doctors to patients' hearts and helps reduce risks during operations.

"WOG Company and I personally are concerned with the fate of our fellow citizens. We offer motorists to join our joint aftion with the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace. Buy symbolic hearts for just one hryvnya and join a great cause. I sincerely wish that you never know diseases and never encounter them, just support charity. We are impatiently waiting for the campaign's results. The sum of money raised and its designation will be revealed in the forthcoming news," said WOG's Director, Serhiy Koretsky.

From 19 August to 19 September 2013 WOG are conducting a campaign at their network of filling stations: when buying a symbolic heart or donating via our web site you are helping to by vital signs monitors for the National Institute of Cancer. Let the entire country become filled with hearts that will pave the way into the future for little and grown-up patients of the Institute.

The Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace is the campaign's partner and is responsible for use of the money for the declared purpose and for the full financial report

ID: 696
09.10.2013 12:49
221570.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.09.2013 22:18
50.00 UAH
Ілля Пет
19.09.2013 02:54
33.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.09.2013 22:01
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.09.2013 16:26
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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