The road to the heart, that make miracles
The road to the heart, that make miracles

The road to the heart, that make miracles

The project is carried by
Started: 29.05.2019
Totally raised
1428821.18 UAH
Total goal
1428821.18 UAH

Every year in Ukraine almost 5,000 babies are born with heart failure, which develops in the mother's womb at the same time as the birth of a new life. A third of them from maternity hospitals are discharged even without suspicion of the disease, while in the first hours or days of life the crumbs should have been on the surgical table. So 800 of them, then we lose.

Every year in Ukraine almost 5,000 babies are born with heart failure, which develops in the mother's womb at the same time as the birth of a new life. A third of them from maternity hospitals are discharged even without suspicion of the disease, while in the first hours or days of life the crumbs should have been on the surgical table. So 800 of them, then we lose. 

Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery Amosov is exactly the place where children with congenital heart defects have a chance for salvation. Every year from 10 to 20 000 children are examined there, and about 750 young patients are operated on. The percentage of mortality of only 1.5-2% – less than in many clinics in Europe. However, the equipment, which is literally a pledge of salvation, constantly wears out.

To provide the hospital with modern medical equipment, on June 1, 2019, WOG, together with the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace and the Your Support Foundation, together with Masha Yefrosinina, announced the launch of a new phase of the Road to Heart social project.

The goal of the Road to Heart action is to acquire a vital ultrasound machine for the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after. N. Amosova. After all, now the existing ultrasound machine is almost out of operation, without which it is impossible to diagnose a defect and quickly perform an operation. Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to buy a new hospital because of the critical underfunding of the hospital, which means that when it finally breaks down, hundreds of children with their mothers will be alone with their misfortune. The organizers still cannot stand aside children's sufferings and want to buy this ultrasound machine with a set of modern sensors.

And it is you who can become part of an important mission and take part in the project in three ways. To do this, you only need to purchase a coffee drink in a special charity cup at any filling station of the WOG and WOG CAFE networks. The cost of such a cup is 2 hryvnia. The action will last until all the cups are bought and thus collected 1 million 330 thousand UAH.

Or anyone can contribute to this project and all funds will be directed to the purchase of an ultrasound machine.

You can also send a charity SMS to the number 88001 (SMS cost – 20 UAH).

Note that the company WOG conducts the campaign "The Road to the Heart" for more than ten years in a row. Every time we manage to collect more than a million hryvnia. During the previous wave of the Road to Heart campaign, which ended at the end of 2018, a record was set - together with our customers, we collected UAH 1,128,846. Thanks to the funds collected, medical equipment for babies who were born prematurely received the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics, and Gynecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Kyiv, as well as medical institutions specializing in nursing infants in Odessa, Dnipro, Chernivtsi, and Kovel.

Join the action, which has the goal to save thousands of children with heart defects right now!

ID: 5141
Charity donation
30.08.2019 11:09
3550.00 UAH
29.08.2019 15:12
542266.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.08.2019 15:38
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
19.08.2019 21:30
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.08.2019 21:12
50.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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