Two sisters want to hear!
Two sisters want to hear!

Two sisters want to hear!

Started: 01.03.2021
Kyiv region
Totally raised
86998.0 UAH
Total goal
86998.00 UAH

Help to hear the world! Two babies, two sisters, Myroslava and Zoryana need your help! The girls were born prematurely at 29-30 weeks of pregnancy weighing 1100 g and 1200 g. Difficult days of resuscitation, months of care, overcoming retinopathy, and ahead – the dream of being healthy and happy!

Over time, Myroslava was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Many parents spent a lot of money on permanent rehabilitation to help the child. Over time, she began to hold her head, back, but she still does not roll over, does not sit, has a delay in psycholinguistic development. But Myroslava is very cheerful, emotional and fights for her life. But as people say: "Trouble does not come alone"…

On December 28, 2020, during the hearing examination of children at the Suvag Medical Center, they were diagnosed with the following diagnoses: Myroslava – sensorineural deafness of the IV degree, and Zoryana – sensorineural deafness of the II degree. On January 19, 2021, the diagnosis was confirmed at the Institute of Otolaryngology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and hearing aids were recommended.

Today, the girls are 1.7 years old, and they urgently need hearing aids, the price of which is no longer affordable for our family. In the future, Myroslava needs cochlear prosthetics. "We appeal to not indifferent people, every penny, every kind word, advice and prayer will help our petals to realize their dream – to hear! And when a dream becomes a reality, a person grows wings! So give them a chance to fly high, far and beautiful!".

Full name: Mykhayliuk Zoriana and Myroslava, 20.06.2019
City: Kyiv region, Bila Tserkva town
Diagnosis: Sensorineural deafness of the IV degree; sensorineural deafness of the II degree
ID: 6887
Charity donation
24.05.2021 19:46
942.42 UAH
Charity donation
24.05.2021 19:25
203.76 UAH
24.05.2021 19:03
255.60 UAH
Charity donation
24.05.2021 18:57
152.94 UAH
Charity donation
24.05.2021 18:40
100.00 UAH
All donors

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