Eholaliya – victory or defeat?
Eholaliya – victory or defeat?

Eholaliya – victory or defeat?

The project is carried by
Started: 06.11.2023
Totally raised
29250.0 UAH
Total goal
29250.00 UAH

This beautiful girl was born in a picturesque town in Zakarpattia region. Surrounded by the love of her family, she did not feel the need to interact with other children and did not speak until she was almost 4 years old. After a series of tests and examinations, she was diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorder). A year ago, with the support of our Foundation, the girl began active correctional work with a correctional teacher, psychologist and speech therapist. 

"When I see on the video how a beautiful little girl diligently repeats every word of the teacher, my heart rejoices, because these are her first words in life – a way of communication that she has never known or needed – a loving family hears the child with its heart. But after talking to specialists, I am frozen in anticipation and pray every day for the success of this five-year-old child with such a complex ASD diagnosis," says project manager Iryna Chornobryvets.

Is echolalia a symptom of the disorder or a speech launch for little Olivia? According to experts, speech imitation that persists after the age of 4 is a signal indicating pathological processes, combined with a delay in psychomotor development. Correction with the help of a number of neuropsychological techniques allows Olivia to properly form her speech skills and bring them to the established norms. 

According to world statistics, 60% of children with autism who have undergone correction have a chance to socialize among their peers and lead a full life. Echolalia in the absence of correction leads to problems in adulthood. The child cannot communicate with peers, make friends, or study in a regular school. 

That is why we tirelessly continue to organize remedial classes with a multidisciplinary team of the city's leading specialists for this diligent girl. We believe in Olivia's victory!

The next course of correction costs 29 250 UAH.

Please help our little star!

Full name: Circul Olivia, 12.11.2018
City: Uzhhorod
Diagnosis: ASD (Autism)
ID: 9030
Charity donation
17.11.2023 13:13
8520.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.11.2023 23:34
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.11.2023 12:03
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.11.2023 09:08
10000.00 UAH
Luckfart Янютін
09.11.2023 10:50
80.00 UAH
All donors

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