Eholaliya – victory or defeat?
The project is carried by
Started: 06.11.2023
Totally raised
29250.0 UAH
Total goal
29250.00 UAH
- About the project
- News 1
- Donors 9
- Reports and documents9
- Comments2
Thanks to the collected funds in the amount of 29,250.00 hryvnias, the child received 52 classes with a speech therapist and a correctional psychologist and 27 classes with an occupational therapist, as evidenced by the report of completed works No. 9 dated 11/24/2023.
Summary cost table
Costs | Sum (UAH) |
Treatment | 29250.00 |
Total project costs | 29250.00 |
Remnant | 0.00 |
Total | 29250.00 |
project documentation
Charity donation
17.11.2023 13:13
8520.00 UAH |
Charity donation
14.11.2023 23:34
100.00 UAH |
Charity donation
11.11.2023 12:03
150.00 UAH |
Charity donation
11.11.2023 09:08
10000.00 UAH |
Luckfart Янютін
09.11.2023 10:50
80.00 UAH |
Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.
Thank you for your support!
Done - reports are ready