EPAM UA is #TogetherAsOne. Lviv
EPAM UA is #TogetherAsOne. Lviv

EPAM UA is #TogetherAsOne. Lviv

The project is carried by
Started: 03.04.2020
Totally raised
101398.22 UAH
Total goal
101398.22 UAH

When a doctor gets sick, especially during an epidemic of a dangerous virus, it can be a real disaster. There will be no one to help patients in hospitals, no one to save lives in intensive care, no one to go to victims in an accident or a heart attack. That is why protecting doctors should be our first priority. The speed of our reaction and providing the hospital with all necessary staff will define how quickly and with what losses we will emerge from the pandemic. 

EPAM Ukraine team along with the Kryla nadii foundation are setting a fundraising target of 1 200 000 UAH, to support Lviv regional center of emergency and disaster medicine and Lviv regional infections clinical hospital with:

• personal protection costumes;
• respirators.

Now we can still minimize losses and protect ourselves and our loved ones by protecting doctors!


ID: 5994
Charity donation
17.04.2020 16:20
1019.61 UAH
Charity donation
17.04.2020 14:59
509.81 UAH
Charity donation
17.04.2020 14:25
305.77 UAH
Charity donation
17.04.2020 14:15
400.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.04.2020 13:36
203.85 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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