Hematology fights with pneumonia
Hematology fights with pneumonia

Hematology fights with pneumonia

The project is carried by
Started: 08.11.2012
Totally raised
20000.0 UAH
Total goal
20000.00 UAH

The department of hematology of the Khmelnytsk Children Hospital used to the fact that it is necessary to fight with one more enemy of health – pneumonia. The trouble is to detect it in human during the course of chemotherapy is extremely difficult. To succeed with this can only special device – a pulse oximeter, which the department doesn’t have. We collect funds for its purchase to protect oncology children without immunity from another dreaded word – pneumonia.

There are only 20 in-patient beds in the department of hematology of the Khmelnytsk Children Hospital. Bu they are never empty: a full course of cancer treatment sometimes takes 2 years. Due to the almost total lack of immunity in patients, the situation is often complicated by additional diseases. Thus, children constantly sick with pneumonia in the department.

Pneumonia in children who are on chemo is a special one. The disease is revealed itself insidiously: gradually and imperceptibly. It is impossible to see something on the X-ray, while listening to the lugs they are clear. Nevertheless, the disease is on the up. Pneumonia is dangerous for healthy adult, what can we say about oncology children without immunity, it is very dangerous.

In this case to provide with a help and find out pneumonia in time can only a special apparatus – a pulse oximeter. It measures a level of oxygen in the blood. There is no such apparatus in the department of hematology! To measure the level of oxygen a nurse forced to go with the patient to – sometimes “sleeping” baby! – the intensive care unit that is in another hospital building.

Our organization has defined a goal to collect any funds for the purchase of such apparatus. The presence of pulse oximeter will detect pneumonia in the early stages, because not neglected cases can be treated easily and quickly.

ID: 515
ШОУМАСТГОУОН: Надежда Мейхер
16.11.2012 17:04
20000.00 UAH
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