Heroes must live!
Heroes must live!

Heroes must live!

The project is carried by
Started: 05.07.2017
Cherkasy region
Totally raised
81813.0 UAH
Total goal
81813.00 UAH

During 30 years of work in State Emergency Service, he saved a lot of people. He always was one of the first in the most critical situations and hottest places. He is awarded the Medal "For Courage in the emergency situation". He is a Hero!And his son was raised as a real man. From the first days, Andriy was protecting out Motherland in ATO, got 6 rewards.At the end of last month, son went through hell and returned back home. Now father's turn came.

Starting from February Petro Volodymyrovych is going through own hell - he is fighting with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (blood cancer) in the oncological hospital in Cherkassy. He passed through 3 courses of chemotherapy and several blood transfusions. Doctors say there are positive changes but battle has just started. Now the 4th course of chemotherapy is taking place. The man is courageous, but family income is law, and cost of treatment is extremely high.

Charitable Foundation "Everybody Can" is starting public raising of funds for medication for fourth high-dose chemotherapy. The cost of medication for this course is 81 813 UAH.

Let's save life of saver together! Heroes should live!


Name: Ilchenko Petro, 12.06.1960

City: Vatutine village, Cherkasy region

Diagnosis: acute B-lymphoblastic leukemia

ID: 3190
Artem S H V E T S
23.10.2017 23:25
7557.76 UAH
Charity donation
23.10.2017 23:20
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.10.2017 22:28
101.83 UAH
Леся Левченко
23.10.2017 12:24
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
22.10.2017 20:05
101.92 UAH
All donors

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