I will walk, dreams do come true!
I will walk, dreams do come true!

I will walk, dreams do come true!

The project is carried by
Started: 28.02.2024
Lviv region
Still needed
34590.00 UAH
Total goal
53060.00 UAH

Maksym is the expected child! Mom had tears in her eyes when the boy was brought, because the birth was difficult. The boy received injuries during birth, which made themselves felt over time. Later, a disappointing diagnosis of cerebral palsy was established. The family fell into despair and pain. Emotions, tears, more questions than answers. For what? Why? How to live with it?

But who, if not the parents, will fight for the health of their son. They began to look for a way out, how to deal with it. After all, cerebral palsy is not a sentence, it is incredible work on oneself, it is tears of pain and considerable funds. Parents cannot afford to pay for expensive rehabilitation for their son, because they need to be done 4 times a year, and these are not small amounts. Therefore, they are forced to ask for help from indifferent people! 

Maksym is already 8 years old. He understands everything, shows everything, but cannot pronounce anything. In order to start broadcasting, Maksym desperately needs classes with specialists. There are definite improvements when working with a specialist. Even without speaking skills, instead of many words, he gives everyone a sincere smile and leaves a bright mark in the soul! Maxim is a fighter, he has already come a long way.

The boy undergoes constant rehabilitation, acquires new knowledge and skills. Maksym and his family are constantly moving forward, he cannot stop treatment. After all, children like Maksym constantly need classes. The boy still does not stand on his own without support, walks only with the support of adults and has poor balance. Hospitals, examinations and rehabilitation courses are a significant part of a boy's life.

The boy constantly struggles with spasticity. This is uncontrolled muscle tension that causes pain. Regular rehabilitation courses reduce muscle tone, and arms and legs become more mobile and soft. Only the father works in the family, mother Vera cannot go to work, due to the fact that the child's condition requires constant supervision and care. The parents are asking to support them and help raise funds for the rehabilitation of their son. The parents have great faith in their son, that Maksym will take the long-awaited first steps in a certain time, thanks to your help! So let's support this wonderful guy together, giving him the opportunity to live a pain-free life to the fullest!

Full name: Maksym Ushakov, 11.08.2015
City: Yavoriv, Lviv region
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
ID: 9321

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Paul Zavorotnikov
25.06.2024 10:27
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.06.2024 13:06
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.06.2024 20:47
140.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.06.2024 17:35
1500.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.06.2024 16:00
50.00 UAH
All donors
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