I love you, mom! 3
I love you, mom! 3

I love you, mom! 3

The project is carried by
Started: 08.10.2020
Donetsk region
Totally raised
26380.0 UAH
Total goal
26380.00 UAH

Zhenya has undergone the next course of treatment at Bersenev Medical Center with positive results, although certain types of treatment are quite painful for her. She does not see and does not understand how she changes for better during the course and after completing it. But one can see this: the gait becomes more and more resolute; the motions of hands are becoming more steadfast and stronger. Her success in mental capacity also rejoice the hearts; she learned how to concentrate attention better and longer; her memory has improved, and this is very important for her now because this year Zhenya went to school. Today she is a first-form girl. She still has an individual education at home but it is even better for her. She can concentrate on learning letters and numbers at home.

Zhenya’s immediate environment has also noticed her changes for the better. After each course being completed, Zhenya's systemic condition gets better and better. Therefore, we would like to continue the treatment which is of benefit to her. After all, in spite of the girl’s achievements and progress, she still has the dream that remains unattainable. This is speech. The child continues working hard with speech therapists and psychologists but this does her no good. We believe that this can be changed and she could be taught. We are ready to continue her treatment. To do this, we appeal to kind and caring people again who can help us with raising funds for the next course of treatment. You have been supporting the kid for two years. Our gratitude to you has no boundaries. You gave her the chance of regular and continuing treatment at the hospital and the results of this treatment do not take long to appear. They are not as fast as we would like. The main thing is that they are! Please, help Zhenya to achieve new objects in her difficult struggle! She needs your help and support a lot to overcome her terrible disease!

Full name: Kurpuchna Euhenia, 01.07.2013
City: Donetzk region, Rig village
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy. Atactic-astatic form. Mental and speech retardation
ID: 6451
Charity donation
04.01.2021 08:54
965.88 UAH
Александр Кондратенко
04.01.2021 04:54
203.92 UAH
Charity donation
04.01.2021 02:36
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
04.01.2021 01:04
101.96 UAH
ViaRia.com.ua - Віртуальна Реальність Україна
03.01.2021 23:57
7000.00 UAH
All donors

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