I will always be with you
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Unfortunately, we could not help Sasha, yesterday he was gone. We can not hold back tears. The UBB team expresses its condolences to Sasha's family and beloved. He fought bravely for life. "I fell in love with you, and I fell in love with life. You made me want to breathe in full breasts. You opened the new world for me. I'm 24, you're 23 and our adult life has just begun. For your sake, I moved to Kyiv from Lviv, found a job and started planning our common future. In a few weeks, we were supposed to marry. But cruel fate has ruined our plans and decided to test our love. Darling, I promise to recover and stay with you ever after". Sasha Semenov made such a confession to his bride Nastia a few months ago.
Before the wedding, Sasha fell ill. It all started as an ordinary influenza, but the disease weakened him quickly. Then there were hospitals, analyzes, puncture. At that time, Sasha’s bone marrow was filled with cancer cells at 94%. On a spring night, lovers were hitchhiking from Kyiv to Lviv in order to start chemotherapy course. In Kiev medicals refused to carry out treatment for bureaucratic reasons – Sasha doesn’t have the official residence in Kyiv. Sasha was completely exhausted and barely standing on his feet. He lacked air, felt sick, had pain in joints. His fiancee Nastya recalls that night: "That was my birthday. I could not comprehend me turning 23 years in a stranger’s car on a slippery road. Sasha slept on my knees, and I prayed for us to make it. He did not know what was happening, so asked me again and again: "I don’t have cancer, do I? Are you sure it’s not cancer?" At that moment I didn’t have enough courage to tell my beloved one: "Yes, you do have cancer. And it’s quite possible that we are spending our last days together".
Lviv doctors didn’t give any forecasts, but managed to put Sasha into remission. Now the remission goes on. The cancer may be stopped by bone marrow transplantation from unrelated donor. In Ukraine it’s impossible. Sasha’s family turned to Medical Park clinic in Turkey, and got confirmation. The search of donor and transplantation will cost them $ 110 000. For Sasha’s pensioner parents that sum of money is unaffordable. Sasha’s dream is to return to normal life, and what is most cherished – is to marry his bride.
At UBB we plan to collect UHA 1 000 000.
Name: Alexandr Semenov, 11.11.1992
City: Lviv
Diagnosis: acute lymphoblastic leukemia
ID: | 3499 |
Charity donation
19.11.2017 23:51
203.72 UAH |
Charity donation
18.11.2017 11:01
70.00 UAH |
Charity donation
18.11.2017 10:40
100.00 UAH |
Charity donation
16.11.2017 17:27
99.80 UAH |
Charity donation
15.11.2017 17:32
4000.00 UAH |