Quality and affordable health care for kids
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Adequate blood analysis means a lot in the correct disease diagnostics, so high-quality equipment at the medical facility could save the lives of children. Now we critically need to purchase the analyzer of blood electrolytes concentration for laboratory testing of young patients of Dolyna children's hospital. Every day dozens of young patients arrive to the hospital. All of them need qualitative blood testing. But, unfortunately, doctors direct them to Ivano-Frankivsk, because the institution is not equipped.
For families with small children it is difficult to even get to the district centre – Dolyna, especially if they have arrived from remote villages of the district. But the problem to get from Dolyna to the regional center becomes the burden of new cares – heavy road, long queues, and significant financial outlay on the road, frequent transfers, and sick tired children on their hands... Wasting time on these obstacles, children lose time that could be used for medical care at the Dolyna children's hospital. That’s why the purchase of this equipment for the medical institution is reasonable.
Just imagine, how sick children lives will change, if we implement the project and purchase the analyzer of blood electrolytes concentration: children with their mothers will be cared at warm and cozy hospital chambers, playing with favorite toys. No need to go somewhere, to run, to wait their turn and worry, not to "get" a new virus in a long, dark hospital corridors.
We believe that with your help we will soon be able to purchase the necessary equipment and to see happy eyes of children, parents and doctors!
ID: | 2020 |
Олександр Терновенко
28.09.2017 13:56
403.78 UAH |
Charity donation
28.09.2017 11:51
265.10 UAH |
Charity donation
28.09.2017 11:35
101.96 UAH |
Дмитро І Анастасія
28.09.2017 07:30
25.46 UAH |
Charity donation
27.09.2017 23:54
203.85 UAH |
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