Yan will definitely recover! 2
Yan will definitely recover! 2

Yan will definitely recover! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 20.11.2024
Zhytomyr region
Still needed
13900.00 UAH
Total goal
34100.00 UAH

This baby with sad eyes is the youngest in his big family. He used to be a very cheerful boy. But after a severe bilateral pneumonia with complications and ear surgery, the family noticed that Yanchik stopped responding to his name, ignored the voices of his family and loud sounds. The boy plunged into his own world, from which he did not want to leave. His joy and laughter disappeared, his curiosity and interest in games disappeared. Instead, aloofness and passivity appeared alongside. The most painful thing was to hear the silence – the boy stopped talking.

The family began a long journey of examinations, consultations and searching for an answer to the question: what happened to their baby? Doctors could not determine the cause for a long time. But finally the diagnosis was made: expressive-receptive speech disorder (level 1), motor activity and attention disorder. And Yanchik finally started treatment. Therapy at the Institute of Pain Problems clinic, where thanks to the efforts of the family and the support of caring people, Yan has undergone 2 courses of treatment, and has already shown the first positive results, has yielded special results.

The boy began to speak simple phrases again, and became gradually interested in everything. Although his path to full recovery is still long, the family believes that they will see Jan's happy, sincere smile and hear his laughter again!

Each new course of treatment is a chance for the kid to speak, enjoy, laugh and discover this big world again!

Full name: Voievodskyi Yan, 23.10.2020
City: Popilnia village, Zhytomyr region
Diagnosis: Expressive-receptive language disorder (level 1), motor and attention disorders
ID: 9812

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
19.03.2025 07:31
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.03.2025 15:38
400.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.03.2025 08:53
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.03.2025 10:07
135.00 UAH
Charity donation
02.03.2025 00:12
100.00 UAH
All donors
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