There is hope to breathe. Help! 5
There is hope to breathe. Help! 5

There is hope to breathe. Help! 5

The project is carried by
Started: 01.12.2020
Kherson region
Totally raised
128540.0 UAH
Total goal
128540.00 UAH

At the age of 16, Ivan weighs critically little – 38 kg. And he has already gained some weight thanks to your help! A year ago, the situation became so complicated that the doctors and the boy's family decided that a gastrostoma, a tube that leads to the stomach directly through a hole in the abdomen, should be installed. It gives the possibility to introduce additional food without forcing the person to eat. For example, Ivan is given this special medical food drip during the night while the boy is sleeping. 

This is needed to adjust Ivan's weight. Otherwise his body will not have the strength to resist cystic fibrosis – a serious genetic disease that accompanies a young man from birth.

The boy's family hopes that once he gains weight, he will be able to live and breathe fully, communicate with friends and study. Of course, daily inhalations and medication will not go anywhere, but for Ivan himself they are not so scary as the gastrostoma, the installation of which he found very painful. After all, at the age of 16, you dream of something completely different than lying at home every night with a connected drip through which enters the nutrient mixture. But the boy is a real fighter, he firmly accepts all the trials of fate and understands that after the body recovers, life will change for the better. And there are friends ahead, first dates, and walks… 

At the moment, the boy's family cannot afford to buy the enteral nutrition on their own: the monthly expenses for the son's treatment account for thousands of hryvnias. So his mother has to ask for help. Also, Ivan does not have all the vaccinations yet – but this protection is extremely important for him! So we want to pay for the missing vaccines for the boy as soon as possible. 

Let's protect the boy from danger! 

Full name: Vakuliuk Ivan, 08.10.2004
City: Nova kahovka
Diagnosis: Сystic fibrosis
ID: 6588
Charity donation
22.08.2021 15:17
477.81 UAH
Charity donation
22.08.2021 11:45
713.75 UAH
Charity donation
22.08.2021 09:42
119.14 UAH
Charity donation
21.08.2021 18:27
20.46 UAH
21.08.2021 16:05
260.69 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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