Refractometer, sign projector and synoptophore delivered to hospital

We are pleased to inform you that the following equipment was delivered to the Ophthalmology Department of St. Nicholas Children's Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv on 19-20 February 2024:  

 Portable refractometer V100 - for measuring visual acuity and assessing eye refraction
 Digital sign projector C901 - for conducting ocular tests in patients
 Synoptophore - for the treatment of lazy eye amblyopia.
The equipment has already been put into operation and is being used to help young patients.

We thank all the benefactors who joined and supported the collaboration between VERA and Ukrainian brands Willna and Ptashatam. With the help of the equipment purchased for the ophthalmology department, doctors will be able to diagnose ophthalmological diseases in children at an early age and avoid serious complications in the future. Such assistance has become an invaluable contribution to the health of our children, of whom the hospital receives about 200 every month.

Thank you for your help and trust!


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