Inclusive education for blind children-2
Inclusive education for blind children-2

Inclusive education for blind children-2

The project is carried by
Started: 20.11.2014
Totally raised
199350.0 UAH
Total goal
199350.00 UAH

Recently, blind children could be educated exclusively in a special boarding schools, which there are just 6 in Ukraine. However, in 2011 the Lviv regional branch of the NGO "Ukrainian Union of Disabled – UUD" implemented the first case of inclusion born blind child outside the special school. Now the girl's studying in the 4th grade of the ordinary school with 26 healthy children. For the 3 years, considerable work was done to help blind children they were able to learn in ordinary schools. Help bring this project to life!

The first case of inclusion of blind child in regular school marked the start of a sleep dream of many parents, families whose children were born with deep lesions of view. The organization over the Internet or otherwise addressed many parents of blind children and caring teachers from different parts of Ukraine. In an effort to help them, the organization in December 2013 filed with ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace" project "Inclusive Education of Blind Children", within which collected 94 500 UAH. For these funds purchased 6 braille typewriters, 10 netbooks, 1 voice application screen readers. Lists the technical facilities equipped workplaces blind children in Mykolayiv, Kirovohrad, Lviv, Rivne oblasts; turn – blind children from Kherson, Cherkasy, Dnipropetrovsk, Rivne and more.

Based on the successfully realized the first case in Ukraine inclusion of blind child in a regular school operator assistance model developed Ukrainian education of blind children out of special schools. This model proved to be not only effective, but also proved its usability and viability in terms of local realities. In October 2014 the Ukrainian model familiar teachers academy «Svefi» (Sweden), who implicitly endorsed it through adaptability, effectiveness and viability. During joint operator support scientific seminars of the first Ukrainian Daisy library representatives Academy «Svefi» personally met with blind children and their parents in Kherson, Rivne, Mukachevo, testified aspirations for learning outside of residential institutions.

According to statistical data, 6 Ukrainian boarding schools for blind children enrolled 780 students, and outside their borders - 980 students. Statistics clearly indicates a growing trend in education for children with profound visual impairment, parents are increasingly refusing to send their children to boarding blind, attributing them to regular schools in the community.

However, to enable the training of blind child in terms of inclusive or individual form must be overcome three obstacles:

1) to equip its job by technical means;

2) equip adapted textbooks;

3) to train teachers to work with a blind child.

Operator assistance within its training model worked out blind children for several years successfully solves the issues outlined. Active assistance in this site contributors give him "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace": thanks to the funds collected by them was able to increase the number of blind children and inklyuzovanyh not save one family from separation from their children.

Organizers expect a concern of citizens of Ukraine and Europe and hope for the future funding of the project, which will acquire a series of new technologies and thereby ensure learning is not a blind child without giving up the family nest and parental warmth.

ID: 1183
Віталій Горбань
25.04.2017 11:12
14824.09 UAH
Charity donation
24.04.2017 21:54
15.00 UAH
Павел Поздняков
24.04.2017 16:25
356.42 UAH
Charity donation
21.04.2017 18:46
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.04.2017 20:45
1019.25 UAH
All donors

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