Яна Лобанок
CF "Happy child"
06.09.2021 16:52

Good day, friends!
In early August, Maxim began a two-week course of rehabilitation at the "Center for Physical Rehabilitation" Krok za krokom do meti ".
On the first day of treatment, the boy underwent diagnostics, after which an individual rehabilitation program was drawn up. Experts advised to buy a "crab" cane, because taking steps with a walker for Maxim is already too easy a task. Walking with a cane is the next step towards independent walking!
It is too early to talk about the results of rehabilitation, but the first achievements have already been made. At the end of the course, Maxim was able to stand without support for ten whole seconds! Thanks to correctly selected exercises, Maxim's posture improved, so they decided to postpone the purchase of the corset for now. Maxim is an extremely diligent boy. We believe that he will achieve his goal - to walk. Why, he has so many assistants!
Thank you, friends, for giving the boy the opportunity to undergo treatment on a regular basis!