Hospice: pure body for pure thoughts. 2
Hospice: pure body for pure thoughts. 2

Hospice: pure body for pure thoughts. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 16.12.2019
Lviv region
Totally raised
13745.0 UAH
Total goal
13745.00 UAH

Sambirsky hospice in Lviv oblast became a home for 30 patients. Most of them are restrained to the bed. This means that each one requires special care. Washing of a patient is not easy neither for medical personnel nor for the patient. The government does not provide heavily ill with hygienic products that allow waterless washing in bed. This is why to "LaVita" fund decided to help. We are planning to purchase these hygienic products to save personnel's energy, and for patients to save time for precious moments spent with relatives.

Sambirsky hospice in Lviv oblast became a home for 30 patients. Most of them are restrained to the bed. This means that each one requires special care. Washing of a patient is not easy neither for medical personnel nor for the patient. The government does not provide heavily ill with hygienic products that allow waterless washing in bed. This is why to "LaVita" fund decided to help. We are planning to purchase these hygienic products to save personnel's energy, and for patients to save time for precious moments spent with relatives.

Sometimes the ability to wash your head is the most wanted thing, that allows you to fill human, to stop being ashamed of own body, to stop postponing communication with friends or taking photos with grandchildren.

Simple things which allow living till the end of life.

ID: 5695
Charity donation
24.12.2019 16:35
435.21 UAH
Charity donation
24.12.2019 14:46
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.12.2019 11:40
2.05 UAH
Charity donation
24.12.2019 05:28
101.96 UAH
SociaL DatA FloW
24.12.2019 00:34
23.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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