Hospice: pure body for pure thoughts. Diadkovychi
Hospice: pure body for pure thoughts. Diadkovychi

Hospice: pure body for pure thoughts. Diadkovychi

The project is carried by
Started: 05.02.2020
Rivne region
Totally raised
21846.0 UAH
Total goal
21846.00 UAH

"If we can collect funding, we will be greatly thankful to you!!! WE are already grateful for your constant support", with this phase our year started. 20 seriously ill patients of Diadkovychi palliative department are now using beds received by hospital as humanitarian aid, although the mattresses without sheath quickly collect smells and stains, leak, which makes makes life uncomfortable.

"If we can collect funding, we will be greatly thankful to you!!! WE are already grateful for your constant support", with this phase our year started. 20 seriously ill patients of Diadkovychi palliative department are now using beds received by hospital as humanitarian aid, although the mattresses without sheath quickly collect smells and stains, leak, which makes makes life uncomfortable.

Since it is financially senseless to replace such amount of mattresses, we decided to collect funds for purchasing protective sheaths from special material which can last for at least 5 years. Moreover if you can help us collect needed amount, the department will also get special waterless cleaning hygiene products. This kind of skin care, allows to avoid bedsores which are painful and expensive for treating, for relatives and personnel to avoid traumas (e.g. back injuries) which occur while moving the disabled adult patients, and for patients to feel fresh and tidy. What could be more important than to help someone feel human again?

Simple things which allow to live till the end of life.

ID: 5769
Charity donation
05.03.2020 21:44
995.53 UAH
Valeria Kostyuk
05.03.2020 11:28
509.81 UAH
Віталій Балабуха
05.03.2020 10:09
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
04.03.2020 22:18
200.00 UAH
Олена Совин
04.03.2020 21:32
500.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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