Felling's disease kills brothers
Felling's disease kills brothers

Felling's disease kills brothers

The project is carried by
Started: 13.06.2017
Ivano-Frankivsk region
Totally raised
43200.0 UAH
Total goal
43200.00 UAH

They are three brothers. And they have one disease for them all – phenylketonuria. This is a rare genetic incurable disease. Living with this disease is possible if only a person will have the daily special meal. And you know: the rare disease, the more expensive drugs. This is a common marketing ploy, and children do? And if we multiply the amount by 3?

Let's introduce you to children with the “angels decease” (phenylketonuria). Why is it called so? Just because children get white hairs, blue eyes and they quickly lose their intelligence. Ivan Semeniuk is the second child in the family. From birth, he has observed visual physiological development delay – choppy sleep and underdeveloped motor skills, then – speech defects. The boy has diagnosed with phenylketonuria two years ago. As expected, doctors appointed a specialized diet consists of a limited number of natural products and taking "PKU 2 infant" medications. As a result, Ivan’s health improved – he even enrolled in elementary grades. However, he lagged behind his peers in development, because the disease was diagnosed in his seven- when his younger brother Zakhar has been born and diagnosed with phenylketonuria. The smallest brother Anton turns to a white angel because this disease is hereditary. The probability a child will be born healthy is less than 1%.

Let’s remind you, the medicaments are extremely expensive, special protein supplements for one year use cost more then cancer treatment. Our children need UAH 135,000 per 3 months. The sum is enormous, CF "You are an Angel" is not able to maintain the children, but and they want to live. And they will live fully if you help them!


Name: Semeniuk Ivan, 08.07.2008 
Semeniuk Zakhar, 24.05.2015
Semeniuk Anton, 23.07.2016

City: Iltsi village, Ivano-Frankivsk region

Diagnosis: phenylketonuria, classic form

ID: 3147
Charity donation
07.08.2017 14:09
190.68 UAH
Charity donation
07.08.2017 12:58
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
07.08.2017 12:42
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.08.2017 09:28
142.69 UAH
Дмитро І Анастасія
07.08.2017 06:55
25.46 UAH
All donors

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