The constructor of the full life of Artem
The constructor of the full life of Artem

The constructor of the full life of Artem

The project is carried by
Started: 03.10.2017
Totally raised
620000.0 UAH
Total goal
620000.00 UAH

This September 6-year-old Artem Volynets did not go to school like everyone else, but he persuaded his parents to at least take him to the first-graders' holiday. He wants to go to school, to the first grade, as they do. But for now, it is only a dream for him. After birth, he was diagnosed with hypoplasia of the left hip. His leg did not function, and it was noticeably shorter than the right one, there was no hip joint at all, the bone could just break through the skin, as it had nothing to catch on.

Having heard in the midwifery clinic "Will you take the child?", young parents understood all the seriousness of the situation, but of course, hey did not give up. They searched for different specialists, consulted, but everything that they were offered in Ukraine was amputation. However, they managed to find a clinic specializing in such anomalies. The only problem is the clinic is German, and the treatment is very long, multi-staged and expensive. The family hardly paid for three operations. Three times, Artemka courageously experienced long hours of formation of the hip joint head. He was afraid, he was hurt. But when his mother says that they need to go to surgery again, he joyfully asks: "Is it true that they will fix my leg?".

Artemka is very inquisitive and smart. In November, he will go to school. He dreams of learning to ride a bicycle, but the leg in the orthosis does not bent. So his grandfather takes him to the pool, and he has already learned to swim a little. He is only quiet shy of his orthosis and his leg. He is limited in movements, but for hours he can play with complicated constructors. And he is always lingering for a new Lego. There is no such a "construction" task, which he, after all, has not decided. He will dig out up to every little thing and will be folded until it turns out.

Now Artem is in a period of active growth. And the doctors hurry: rather, quickly, it's time to lengthen the hip bone. You cannot delay. It is also needed to hurry up so that Artem could finally go to the first grade. But there is no more money, everything possible and impossible was spent on previous operations.

The only constructor that Artem cannot lay down without help is his own leg. So we will help him. Let this, his chief constructor also is successfully assembled and earned. We collect 620 000 UAH to pay for the next stage of treatment for hip dysplasia in the ANNASTIFT clinic, Hannover, Germany.


Name: Artem Volynets, 21.01.2011

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: congenital anomaly of the left leg with significant shortening

ID: 3424
Charity donation
15.06.2018 13:49
8603.71 UAH
Юлия Добро
15.06.2018 13:38
101.83 UAH
Христина Сербінська
15.06.2018 13:15
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
15.06.2018 13:02
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.06.2018 12:18
30.64 UAH
All donors

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