
Three maternity hospitals received help

At first glance, the intensive care units look like a spaceship, as there are many machines around each child, and the baby lives in a transparent house (incubator) that protects it from noise and bright light. Children who cannot eat on their own are given nutrient solutions through a special probe. Also, if necessary, drugs are used to regulate heart rate, stimulate breathing, blood pressure, and ultrasound. These manipulations should be carried out according to a clearly defined scheme and with the correct dosage, because every extra or underdosed drop can be fatal.

Infusion therapy is responsible for such correct and timely drops of nutrition and medication. It is considered to be one of the most important therapeutic measures in the care of premature babies, designed to solve a wide range of medical problems. None of the modern methods of intensive care and resuscitation can do without the use of infusion.

Modern infusion therapy in many cases requires the administration of the drug for a long time in microdoses, which is technically impossible without infusion syringe pumps dispensers (infusomats) for infusion therapy. These are devices that allow you to accurately calculate the required dose and rate of drug administration, as well as protect against air entering the vein after the procedure. Without them, it is impossible to nurse a child.

5 such important and modern devices have already been transferred to three hospitals:

- MNE "Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Perinatal Center of the IF OR"

- Perinatal Center of the Second Level, Pokrovska Clinical Hospital

- Chernivtsi Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.

In the process of transferring and receiving devices in two hospitals (Khmelnytsky and Lviv). But more on that later. 

We thank all the benefactors of the charity platform for their contributions and support. 

We thank Monobank customers who transfer their cashback to Courage. 

We thank the Bunny nail cafe chain of salons for their contributions and constant support. 

This is how together we are able to save children in different parts of Ukraine.

We thank everyone who becomes a part of our great mission!

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