The cry of mother's soul
The cry of mother's soul

The cry of mother's soul

The project is carried by
Started: 14.09.2018
Kharkiv region
Totally raised
15400.0 UAH
Total goal
15400.00 UAH

This funny little boy is 3 years old. His name is Zhenia. For 20 years his mother did not give up on a hope of becoming pregnant, and finally, this miracle happened! Unfortunately, it was not possible to go through all the period of precious pregnancy, at the 33rd week as an emergency to save the baby, the woman was given a cesarean section. The child was very weakened due to oxygen starvation. For long 5 days, the tiny lungs were ventilated artificially. So many tears were shed during sleepless nights, when mother tried to find a magic pill to treat the diagnoses that doctors repeatedly voiced. It seemed the world collapsed! 

But, the time has passed, and the question: "God, why?" was replaced by: "God, what for?". And everything gradually came to its place. Multiple diagnoses have receded into the background, their consequences still exist, but they can be worked with. Doctors say that the boy is promising, but there is a need to exercise constantly.

And mom does it! Zhenia cannot sit and walk by himself, but thanks to previous rehabilitation, he learned to crawl, to hold toys and to start talking. Every three months the child undergoes treatment in a neurological hospital. Once he managed to get into the "Victoria" rehabilitation center and the results came fast. Mom appeals to everyone who was touched by the story of her child: "Of course, it's hard for me, but Zhenia, my little sick son, gives me strength. Sometimes he looks at me with his big blue eyes, as if he were looking at my soul. And at such moments I forget about difficulties. Zhenia is a gift from God! A child who brings love and cheerfulness to the world. He is never discouraged, he is confident in himself, is sure that someday, he will stand up and go! There is a chance to put my child on his feet! Therefore, I turn to you for help! To go back to rehabilitation I need big money, which I do not have! This is the cry of the soul! I really want to help him to be healthy!".


Name: Minaiev Evgenii, 10.07.2015

City: Kupyansk-Vuzlovui village, Kharkiv region

Diagnosis: consequences of the transferred neuroinfection, spastic tri-paresis syndrome, delay in the psycho-speech development

ID: 4428
Charity donation
24.09.2018 01:04
144.68 UAH
Charity donation
23.09.2018 19:20
50.99 UAH
Charity donation
23.09.2018 18:08
51.01 UAH
Леонід Лищук
23.09.2018 17:16
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.09.2018 16:38
150.00 UAH
All donors

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