Through the tears to victory! 2
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Dear donors! Kyrylo Titov has already received support and help from you. Although he is only 7 years old, he is a courageous fighter, strong and purposeful! From his birth, he has been desperately struggling with his disease and is not ready to give it a single chance to win. After all, Kyrylo has one big dream - to dance, and, despite the pain, he insists on going for his dream. The boy was born with a weight of only 1200 g and height of 37 cm, with a diagnosis: prematurely of the 4th stage, anemia, hydrocephaly, and was placed in a children's intensive care unit. For three months Kyrylo was balancing between life and death.
Finally, he started breathing on his own. The parents were happy after discharge, they thought that the most terrible things are left in the past. But everything was yet to come. Kyrylo grew up and developed with a delay in his motor and speech development. At the age of 1 year, he did not hold his head, did not walk and crawl, did not sit, and did not turn over. It took a titanic effort for Kirill to be able to walk on his own.
Long-term rehabilitation, massages, physical therapy, constant training at specialized centers were not in vain! Now Kirill's gait has improved, he began to master heel-to-toe gait, he even tries to run with the kids at school, however, he falls, breaks his knees, forehead, but still, he is happy that he can play with friends. He tries to work more with his right hand to develop the contracture. The school program is hard for him, but he works hard. However, because of the school load, his eyesight became two times worse, he had to put on glasses and take medication. Because of the strong jumps in growth, they visit an osteopath and sustains additional physical therapy, stretching, and massage.
Kyrylo is a really cheerful guy, but sometimes he becomes sad and starts to cry, asking when he recovers and saying that he is tired of being ill. His mom calms him down and says: "Be patient a bit longer, look, you've got up from the wheelchair, you've started to walk. That means that we've already won half of the disease, it will take a little bit more and you will walk steadily, you won't fall, and you will have no headaches". And he stops crying, wipes off his tears, and goes treadmill training... Now the next rehabilitation course in July requires UAH 12,293.00. The family ran out of money, they are lack of funds badly. We ask you to support the little hero!
Earlier at UBB, we have already raised funds for Kyrylo. View the previous project you can by the link.
Name: Kyrylo Titov, 21.08.2011
City: Odessa
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, right-sided hemiparesis
ID: | 5159 |
Charity donation
05.06.2019 12:35
7241.99 UAH |
Charity donation
05.06.2019 09:05
51.01 UAH |
Charity donation
04.06.2019 16:56
5000.00 UAH |
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