Through tears to victory! 4
Through tears to victory! 4

Through tears to victory! 4

The project is carried by
Started: 08.09.2020
Totally raised
21645.0 UAH
Total goal
21645.00 UAH

It's the fourth time that the family of Kirill Titov has to ask for help of Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace donators. Kirill is now 9 years old, he is a kind, delicate and smiling boy, who wants not only to be able to walk most of all, but even (!) to dance. He has been persistently going towards his aim all these years. Kirill spent more than half of his life at hospitals and rehabilitation centers. He was born extremely prematurely on the 26th week of pregnancy weighing 1200 g. His struggle for life started with his first breath.

During three months he was between life and death. His life was saved by an incredible effort. However, the consequences of the premature birth were horrible: when Kirill was 1 year old, he could not hold his head, walk, crawl, sit or turn. People said to his mother: “Refuse from him, he will never walk or speak, why suffering…”. The child required numerous rehabilitations, massages, remedial gymnastics, constant exercises at specialized centers.

Three courses of treatment at Koziavkin International rehabilitation clinic were paid for thanks to the whole support of Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace donators. This led to the improvement of the boy’s condition, there is a visible progress, muscle tone decreased, the leg lowered a bit, pain at walking disappeared. Kirill can even walk some distance without support. Now that he got better he shows incentive on acquiring knowledge. Thanks to the treatment, the volume of the boy’s active and passive moves in joints of the right limbs increased, fine motor skills of the right hand improved. The boy became more active and enthusiastic.

Kirill receives a complex treatment at clinic: neurophysiological correction of the spine, reflexotherapy, massage complex, Mobilization exercises, apitherapy, mechanotherapy, vibroextensor, hydrokinesitherapy, apitherapy, treadmill, orofacial massage. The next course costs 21,642.00 UAH and it is scheduled for December. The family does not have such means. We ask you to support Kirill and help to collect the necessary amount!

Full name: Kyrylo Titov, 08.21.2011, 21.08.2011
City: Odessa
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, right hemiparesis
ID: 6321
Charity donation
16.11.2020 19:58
245.89 UAH
Charity donation
16.11.2020 19:07
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.11.2020 18:17
61.10 UAH
16.11.2020 17:41
412.42 UAH
Charity donation
16.11.2020 15:48
101.87 UAH
All donors

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