Let’s Smile Quest - 2021
Let’s Smile Quest - 2021

Let’s Smile Quest - 2021

The project is carried by
Started: 26.03.2021
Totally raised
140821.0 UAH
Total goal
140821.00 UAH

For the second year in a row Olidetrim helps "sunny" children! Let's Smile Quest is the name of the project of absolute positiveness, smiles and strength of support for "sunny" children.

The Olidetrim team calls the children exclusively "sunny", as this project is about strength and tolerance, not pity and compassion. “They are the same as we are,” is the main message that comes from the words of the project participants. And you know, hundreds of mothers of "sunny" children are grateful precisely for the positive coverage of the lives of their children.

If you are also interested in this unique project, you can simply join and help "sunny" children in the format of an online quest! For this:

Go to the official @olidetrim page at the link

Choose to participate - subscribe to the captain's page

Follow the release of tasks and answer correctly in the comments.

Together with Ukrainians, Olidetrim helps "sunny" children: 1 comment from a participant Olidetrim converts into 1 hryvnia. Last year, 126,778 hryvnias were collected, which were transferred to educational needs! This is how the brand helps the early development center, where "sunny" children are engaged with a speech therapist, psychologist, kinesiotherapist and other specialists.

And so, absolute positive, smiles, energy and strength - this is the already familiar associative array of the Olidetrim brand! Why? Because Olidetrim is vitamin D, or the sun's vitamin, which:

- Recommended for all stages of life

- Strengthens the immune system

- Improves mood

- Returns strength and inspiration

- Takes care of the musculoskeletal system

Now the question “Should I take or not take vitamin D?” Does not even arise, because representatives of the medical community recommend taking it, this became especially relevant in the era of COVID-19.

You can help spread the goodness and sun of Let's Smile Quest project:

Join Olidetrim

Tell acquaintances, friends, family in Stories about Let's Smile Quest with a brand tag so that others can join too.

Welcome will definitely return to you a hundredfold!


Every day a child with Down syndrome is born in Ukraine, and this is almost 400 children annually. These people live among us, have their own needs, dreams, hopes - like all of us. And one of the main components of helping children with Down syndrome is to unleash their unique potential and support their realization in society. And this means systematic work with such ditkakmas from childhood to adulthood.

To do this, within the framework of the Early Development Center for children from 3 to 8 years old and their parents, the following are held monthly:

- initial consultations of specialists (psychologist, physiotherapist, early development teacher, speech therapist) for families from different parts of Ukraine;

- groups of early socialization (correctional development classes);

- individual lessons with a physiotherapist, psychologist, early development teacher, speech therapist, neuropsychologist;

- Studio for parents "Dad and Mom in the Course" (creation of Video Councils, conducting training seminars, organizing a parent workshop).

Remember, goodness is next to us!

You can view the previous project here:

Let's Smile Quest


ID: 6998
Charity donation
29.04.2021 09:56
0.04 UAH
28.04.2021 13:08
140048.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.04.2021 23:13
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
19.04.2021 16:50
10.27 UAH
Charity donation
31.03.2021 09:07
509.81 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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