Physiotherapy is the path to victory. 2
Physiotherapy is the path to victory. 2

Physiotherapy is the path to victory. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 12.04.2021
Totally raised
20000.0 UAH
Total goal
20000.00 UAH

9-year-old Volodymyr Melnichuk is struggling with cerebral palsy from birth. His condition allows him to hope that he will be able to walk on his own and will be able to serve himself. But this can only be achieved through regular rehabilitations.

Volodymyr was born prematurely and spent 2 months in the hospital. And then everything happened the same way all children with cerebral palsy go through: medicine, rehabilitation, hard work, victories and defeats. Volodymyr is a real fighter, he has had a lot of rehabilitations so far. Thanks to this work he’s done, he can now sit on his own and he can more or less serve himself in his everyday life. Volodymyr is also a student of an ordinary school with an inclusive education: he can read and even write.

Volodymyr is a very friendly boy, he loves communication and animals. He was lucky to be born in a family where everyone loves him very much and helps him cope with difficulties. Parents and his brother believe in him and support him. This help gives Volodymyr strength to go further and continue his fight for better future.

Today Volodymyr needs rehabilitation classes. In a pandemic, he cannot visit specialised centres. But in Odessa, Ukraine, a physical therapy room was opened where many local children get physical activity they need.

Full name: Volodymyr Melnichuk, 04.09.2011
City: Odesa
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy
ID: 7000
Charity donation
23.05.2021 13:05
305.76 UAH
Charity donation
23.05.2021 11:37
509.81 UAH
Charity donation
23.05.2021 11:26
509.62 UAH
Charity donation
23.05.2021 11:14
122.29 UAH
Charity donation
23.05.2021 10:32
28.53 UAH
All donors

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