IPAG doctors need sterilizers
IPAG doctors need sterilizers

IPAG doctors need sterilizers

The project is carried by
Started: 04.04.2022
Totally raised
570400.0 UAH
Total goal
570400.00 UAH

The dobro.ua is grateful to the Ukraine Relief Fund for the contribution in the amount of UAH 223 428,90 made through the "dobro.ua - Ukraine above all".

The charity initiative Ukraine Relief Fund was founded by Viktor and Olena Pinchuk and the Viktor Pinchuk Foundation, Eric and Wendy Schmidt and Schmidt Futures, Robert F. Smith and Vista Equity Partners, the Minderoo Foundation of Andrew and Nicola Forrest, Bill Ford and the General Atlantic Foundation.

Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Medical equipment 570400.00
Total project costs 570400.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 570400.00
Project documentation
Charity donation
06.05.2022 12:03
235205.51 UAH
Luckfart Янютін
05.05.2022 08:17
131.70 UAH
Charity donation
05.05.2022 07:17
10.13 UAH
Charity donation
01.05.2022 17:54
253.07 UAH
Charity donation
29.04.2022 16:37
203.67 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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