Lera's future is up to you!
Lera's future is up to you!

Lera's future is up to you!

The project is carried by
Started: 19.10.2015
Totally raised
29720.0 UAH
Total goal
29720.00 UAH

Lera was born with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease. When she was 2.5 months old, the girl was operated (cardiac surgery), and Lera, like a real fighter, survived. The girl is 7 now, but she still does not speak. This means that the development of the girl slows down, she can not discover the world, ask questions that she's interested in, and in general to fully communicate, what is important, especially for the child of her age. It's possible to help Lera learn to speak, but the money for treatment needed is impossible to riase for the ordinary Ukrainian family on their own.

Lera was born with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease. When she was 2.5 months old, the girl was operated (cardiac surgery), and Lera, like a real fighter, survived. The girl is 7 now, but she still does not speak. This means that the development of the girl slows down, she can not discover the world, ask questions that she's interested in, and in general to fully communicate, what is important, especially for the child of her age. It's possible to help Lera learn to speak, but the money for treatment needed is impossible to riase for the ordinary Ukrainian family on their own.

"Our sunny daughter 7 months attends classes at the Rehabilitation Center for children with disabilities. Since she's 3 years old, she goes to a regular kindergarten. It achieved good results, but Lerochka very difficult to start talking. And alone baby is incredibly difficult to develop further, acquire new knowledge and skills to form stable. To help solve this problem, you can use the procedures in the course of the Center for Brain Stimulation in Kyiv. It helps so "sunny" kiddies as Lera".

The girl was born the second child. It grows in a friendly and nice family, surrounded by care, attention and love. She loves to dance, inquisitive, I like to consider books, listen to stories and music. In 2008 Leray did heart surgery, because she was born with a congenital heart defect. She was diagnosed with a complete AV-communication, a balanced form, atrial septal defect. September 18, 2008, when she was barely 2.5 months, she underwent a radical correction. The doctors did not give encouraging promises and predictions, but Valeri won! Now, thanks to surgery, she is breathing on their own, and an operation reminiscent of a scar.

Now, however, the biggest challenge is to teach Lerochka speak. Methods of treatment offered at the Center for brain stimulation, will give a powerful impetus to the development of speech activity the girls.

But parents do not have enough funds to pay for a rehabilitation course at the Center for brain stimulation. They ask all caring people to help their "sunny" daughter. The collected funds will help them a little sunshine to make a big step in its development. Parents Lerochka believe that the world is full of good people, and their beloved daughter finally speak!


Name: Valeria Y. Muravska, 02.06.2008

Location: Kherson

Diagnosis: Down syndrome, congenital heart defect: atrioventricular communication, pulmonary hypertension, PC II A-B. Condition after radical correction (18.09.2008). Psychomotor development delay

ID: 1782
Charity donation
09.12.2015 16:24
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.12.2015 12:40
92.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.12.2015 12:19
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.12.2015 10:26
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.12.2015 23:19
20.00 UAH
All donors

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