Maxymko wants to grow!
Maxymko wants to grow!

Maxymko wants to grow!

Started: 16.12.2019
Rivne region
Totally raised
26050.0 UAH
Total goal
26050.00 UAH

Avramyshyn Galina, the mother of the boy Maxim who has a terrible diagnosis – systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, has been fighting for his son's life for several years. Terrible words and uncertainty came three years ago when little Maxim became ill and it was impossible to make a diagnosis. They were put into intensive care, took a bone marrow puncture, did a tomography, did not know if he would survive, sepsis began... Establishing a diagnosis in another hospital helped to start treatment with hormone therapy and methotrexate. However, these drugs did not help stabilize his condition for a long time.

Avramyshyn Galina, the mother of the boy Maxim who has a terrible diagnosis – systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, has been fighting for his son's life for several years. Terrible words and uncertainty came three years ago when little Maxim became ill and it was impossible to make a diagnosis. They were put into intensive care, took a bone marrow puncture, did a tomography, did not know if he would survive, sepsis began... Establishing a diagnosis in another hospital helped to start treatment with hormone therapy and methotrexate. However, these drugs did not help stabilize his condition for a long time.

Maxim requires biological therapy "Actemra", which reduces the dose of glucocorticosteroids and methotrexate, reduces the inflammatory process in the joints, the disease recedes and allows the child to live a full life. This disease affects all systems of the body, joints, deprives the ability to move normally, which leads to disability and the child is bedridden. In addition, the disease causes uveitis, which causes impaired vision - from partial loss to complete blindness. Children with this disease are not immune. The disease is autoimmune, that is, the body does not recognize its own cells among others and attacks itself. Such children are not usually taught at school.

For a short time, my mother managed to get into the state program of providing such children with expensive drugs. But unfortunately, this program is already over. Avramyshyns have been treated with "Actemra" for 2 years. Maxim went to school, he walks, jumps, runs, and enjoys life, despite long-term treatment that requires constant constant medication. If treatment is interrupted, there will be irreversible destruction of the joints and impaired vision, as well as an inflammatory process that will lead to sepsis.

Please do not be indifferent to the fate of Maxim, help him to grow and enjoy every day!


Name: Avramyshyn Maxym, 06.02.2012

City: Varash, Rivne region

Diagnosis: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic variant, polyarthritis with persistent, moderately severe musculoskeletal disorders, severe course

ID: 5699
05.03.2020 10:36
874.96 UAH
Yevgen Grynke
05.03.2020 10:35
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
05.03.2020 07:38
20.00 UAH
Дмитро І Анастасія
05.03.2020 07:15
71.37 UAH
04.03.2020 22:35
488.80 UAH
All donors

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