Little Milena dreams of talking
Little Milena dreams of talking

Little Milena dreams of talking

The project is carried by
Started: 16.08.2021
Kyiv region
Totally raised
19350.0 UAH
Total goal
19350.00 UAH

In a family with hearing problems, a little angel is growing up – a girl Milena. She is now 4 years old. The girl's dad and mom do not hear or speak, but they are so happy that their daughter has hearing! She hears and understands everything. At 9 months she pronounced "cha-cha-cha", and at 10 months she clearly said "mother". Parents were very happy about her first words and success, because they dream so much that Milenochka speaks well and pronounces all the words well. 

But the problem is that parents do not hear and communicate with her only with their language gestures. She understands parents well and also knows sign language. But talking out loud has become less. Milena's parents are very worried about this, and therefore they turned to a speech therapist for help, were examined by all doctors. The children's doctors say that the girl is healthy, but the children's neurologist has diagnosed that a child with a sufficient hearing level has a psychoverbal developmental delay of the 1st level. The girl responds adequately to the examination, shows interest in others, she has a symbolic game. The perception of speech is impaired, but the girl strives for communication. 

Milena smiles, watches objects, speaks separate words-syllables. The girl is now attending a speech therapy garden, playing with toys, and also with children. According to the doctors' conclusion, the child needs daily classes on the development of speech, classes on neurocorrection and treatment in the clinic: metameric massage of the articulatory apparatus. These medical and therapeutic activities are very important, but parents with disabilities are not able to pay for them on their own. 

Therefore, we ask everyone to respond in order to fulfill the dream of little Milena. "We are very grateful to everyone who will help us raise money. Respect for everyone, Milena's mom".

Full name: Selivanova Milena, 22.11.2016
City: Dorogynka village, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: Psycholinguistic development delay with a sufficient level of hearing
ID: 7385
Charity donation
15.10.2021 21:01
1826.37 UAH
Charity donation
15.10.2021 19:24
14.56 UAH
Charity donation
15.10.2021 14:24
31.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.10.2021 11:48
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.10.2021 19:46
1000.00 UAH
All donors

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