A little girl needs to grow up
A little girl needs to grow up

A little girl needs to grow up

The project is carried by
Started: 21.02.2020
Vinnytsia region
Totally raised
13440.0 UAH
Total goal
13440.00 UAH

At the age of 11, Angelina weighs 23 kg. The little girl has been fighting a serious disease all of her life and she hardly has any energy left to grow. The disease called cystic fibrosis affects her digestion and food absorption processes. Firstly, CF patients require special diet that includes high-quality nutritional products, and there are times when the girl has to do without them, since her family honestly can't always afford it. Secondly, Angelina must take enzyme products with every meal, otherwise, she won't be able to eat at all. Thirdly, even if the first two requirements are met, they're not enough to provide for her growth – the girl also needs to receive special high-calorie products. We ask that you help Angelina's mom stock up on these products to get them through winter. 

One of the grave complications of cystic fibrosis are frequent lung infections which take long to treat and quite often require hospital admission. Weeks spent with higher body temperature, fatigue, and lack of energy 'burn' those extra kilograms that a CF patient was lucky to gain in between the acute phases, so a question of gaining weight and growth for a child with cystic fibrosis is crucial and quite challenging. This is where one needs to use all available options to at least maintain his/her present health status, if not to improve it.

In this project, we plan to purchase a 4-months' worth supply of special nutrition.

Earlier at UBB, we had already raised funds for Angelina. You can view the previous project by the link.


Name: Melnyk Angelina, 07.01.2009

City: Mogilev-Podolsky, Vinnytsia region

Diagnosis: cystic fibrosis with pancreatic insufficiency

ID: 5830
З любов'ю !!!
07.03.2020 22:34
0.19 UAH
07.03.2020 16:59
10900.00 UAH
Богдан Стародуб
06.03.2020 17:10
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
03.03.2020 17:59
101.96 UAH
Andrii K
03.03.2020 15:06
400.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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