Mother Vera believes to her Maksym!
The project is carried by
Started: 12.09.2023
Lviv region
Totally raised
45962.0 UAH
Total goal
45962.00 UAH
01.05.2024 10:47
Project has been successfully implemented ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! We are pleased to announce that this project has been successfully implemented. A detailed report can be found in the "Reports and documents" section. Thanks to everyone who supports us!
30.04.2024 14:24
Курс лікування завершено
Fund Bersenev
Institution of doctor Bersenev
Шановні добродії ! Всім щиро дякуєм за допомогу у зборі коштів для Максима! Курс лікування завершено. Всі звіти для детальнішого ознайомлення вже опубліковано.
25.03.2024 16:48
25.03.2024 16:45
Institution of doctor Bersenev

Шановні друзі! Максим проходить другий курс реабілітації за проектом! Дякуємо за надану можливість.
27.11.2023 12:22
Progress report is available on the web-site ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! This project has been partially implemented, the Operator of help has already added an interim report to the site. You can view the reporting documentation in the "Reports and Documents" section of thi…
Charity donation
21.11.2023 23:15
4990.00 UAH |
Charity donation
20.11.2023 23:04
7000.00 UAH |
Charity donation
19.11.2023 22:57
1400.00 UAH |
Charity donation
19.11.2023 11:52
500.00 UAH |
Charity donation
19.11.2023 11:11
50.00 UAH |
Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.
Thank you for your support!
Done - reports are ready