Mom, I have no childhood!
Mom, I have no childhood!

Mom, I have no childhood!

The project is carried by
Started: 21.09.2018
Totally raised
10400.0 UAH
Total goal
10400.00 UAH

Cerebral palsy is three words that can knock the ground out from under the feet of any parent. Parents do not know what to do about it. Time passes ... and by trial and error, they find their own way. Eva was born 10 weeks ahead of schedule. After 2 months of struggling for life, the baby was discharged home. Since then, the girl is constantly undergoing rehabilitation and is exercising at home. This is a huge work.

On the things that healthy babies are getting by nature, children with cerebral palsy have to work for years. Eva is 11 years old. "Mom, I do not have a childhood!", sometimes says Eva when she is getting tired of regular exercises. Mother says: "We were treated in the rehabilitation centers of Evpatoria, Hadzhibey, Odessa, Lviv, Truskavets, Kharkov. Every three months we go somewhere. Because with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, you can not stop. All these trips have their results. But unfortunately, when a child with cerebral palsy begins to grow rapidly, the body can not cope with this. Bones grow, and muscles do not have time, and then various deformations of the body begin to develop. In Evas case, such deformation occurred on the feet, and we were forced to undergo a legs surgery in June 2017. During the year we recovered and as a result, Eva has good results, which should be permanently secured by physical loads. Now Eva really needs",  rehabilitation.

The good and well-thought-out complex of exercises with the professionals, a lot of changes happen to the body. This improves balance, muscles become stronger, coordination develops, self-confidence grows. Despite all the difficulties in life, Eva remains a cheerful child. She does not have a bad mood, she is very welcoming and kind. Now Eva is studying at home under the 4th-grade program. And she wants to go to the 5th grade on her own feet and to continue her studies already in the group of her peers. And she has every chance for it! Help the child reach out to the dream!


Name: Karpova Eva, 07.09.2007

City:  Kramatorsk, Donetsk region

Diagnosis: сerebral palsy, spastic diplegia

ID: 4460
24.11.2018 12:57
1192.95 UAH
Charity donation
24.11.2018 11:40
509.62 UAH
Олег Ж
24.11.2018 08:05
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
23.11.2018 20:24
152.94 UAH
Charity donation
23.11.2018 17:53
100.00 UAH
All donors

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