Marko suffers from pain! Help him! 2
Marko suffers from pain! Help him! 2

Marko suffers from pain! Help him! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 27.03.2017
Odessa region
Totally raised
17180.0 UAH
Total goal
17180.00 UAH

How early this baby came to the world! Doctors call this diagnosis “very low gestational age”. Some 1300 grams – he was just like a poult! More than two months the baby spent in a hospital for artificial respiration. Then, praise God, he began to breathe. This is almost the only thing that the baby can do by himself.

This May, the boy turns 8 years. Most of the time his mother and he spent in hospitals and medical centers – bad news comes in threes. Except to a poor vision and poor hearing, Mark after a year of his birth was diagnosed with an infantile cerebral paralysis. What does it mean? I’ll try to explain. So, the child is not sitting, not standing, not crawling, and holding his head badly, and, of course, doesn’t speak.

His mother understands her child without any wording. She doesn’t let go of the reins. She continues to carry baby anywhere, with big sad eyes on her face, to various hospitals and cities – what if somebody will provide suddenly help? Odessa, Kharkiv, Kyiv. Procedures, drugs rehabilitation. Mark’s mother believes that a Wonder can help her Sonny. Nobody can live without faith. Two years ago, his father left his sick child – he was weighed and found wanting (fail of the test). Money is almost over. And the mother dared to ask for the help of others, but not indifferent people - because if the treatment in the clinic of Dr. Bersenev continues, then gradually the state of her son will improve. Let's help the child!


Name: Poiman Mark, 08.05.2009

City: Izmail, Odessa region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy,  dystonic tetraparesis, manifest deviation, psycho verbal development retention, neurosensory hearing loss of 2th degree, natal trauma of neck part

ID: 2970
Charity donation
02.04.2017 12:59
0.21 UAH
Charity donation
02.04.2017 12:44
2749.00 UAH
Charity donation
02.04.2017 10:37
69.34 UAH
Charity donation
02.04.2017 06:05
10.18 UAH
Charity donation
02.04.2017 00:41
100.00 UAH
All donors

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